If you’re like me, these days have been a little busier and a lot more interesting as a Mom! Pandemic life minus daycare and regular visits with the grandparents has been challenging but also fun as I have been spending more time than ever with Cam, especially outside!
It has been a year since I started my “Strong as a Mother” program at the studio with my incredible group of local Kingston Mom’s. Since the pandemic we have quickly transitioned to zoom classes and online training. Although it’s not the same as the crazy and fun adventures we have in the conditioning studio at Taylored Training, we have definitely had our fair share of hilarious moments like the time one of the kids dropped a phone under the deck during class! The good news is that ‘audio training’ was still effective for this patient Mom plus she had a bonus training set trying to get her phone back after class!
Life has definitely presented us with some unique challenges as Mother’s these days but here is why I recommend incorporating a daily training or movement plan for every Mom’s reading this today.
My Top 5 Reasons on why you need to start training:
1. It will keep you sane.
I am used to having a lot more help with Cam, so I don’t know about you but my patience has been tested a little more than normal! My training is my time to let out any frustrations and do something that I always know will make me feel better. Sometimes Cam even trains with me if nap time just isn’t happening…
2. It will help you keep a normal routine.
My normal routine (coaching at the studio, working out, curling and teaching my anatomy students) has changed, so planning a time each day to train has been key to set up my new routine. Sometimes this happens in the morning, sometimes it happens at 8pm at night, but as long as it happens it helps me feel a sense of accomplishment and have the semblance of a “normal” routine.
3. It will set a positive habit for your kids.
Cam loves to train (as you can tell by my pics). This is one of our awesome TT members training with her daughter using our online training platform. What an amazing example to set for your family!
4. Self-care.
Just like you are instructed to do in any emergency you ” have to put on your air mask before helping others“. Self-care is important for your own health of course but it’s also important so you can take the best care of those you love.
5. Decrease your likelihood of weight gain and increase your fitness.
Being at home had definitely made it more tempting to snack and eat more during the day (and I don’t think I’m alone on this…). My training has really helped me focus on my fitness goals and how I want to feel both during and after this pandemic is over.
If you are a Mom or Mom to be and you are interesting in learning more about pre/post natal training with a safe and effective program coupled with an incredibly supportive group of women! Find out more about my Strong As a Mother Program!
- Coach Vanessa